The Management Board is Authority’s management body, sitting with five members, composed of the Chairman and four (4) members, all appointed with a decision of the Council of Ministers published in the Government Gazette.  

According to provisions of the article 89 of Law 4622/2019 (Government Gazette 133/A’/07.08.2019), the Management Board has the following responsibilities:

  1. It approves the Authority's strategic and business plan, the Authority's annual and multiannual auditing action plan, the draft of the annual budget plan of the Authority, prior to its submission to the State General Accounting Office, and the Authority's annual report.
  2. Ranks the two (2) strongest candidates for the Governor’s post and submits a relevant proposal to the Prime Minister.
  3. Selects and appoints the members of the Authority's Audit Committee.
  4. Offers its opinion on: (a) the design of the Authority's personnel policy and monitors its implementation, (b) the development and implementation of methodologies and more specific systems of qualitative and quantitative evaluation, promotion, grade classification and advancement on the Authority's staff, (c) the development and implementation of methodologies and of a more specified system for the salary regime and extra bonus of the Authority's staff, (d) the establishment of more precise qualifications regarding the appointment to professional sectors and specialties as well as the criteria for recruiting staff, (e) the establishment, conversion and abolition of posts of all sectors, specialties and categories, (f) the distribution of all posts between the organisational units of all levels within the Authority, (g) the inclusion of projects to the National Programme for Public Investments and the Single Procurement Programme, (h) the feasibility and sustainability of co-funding actions through the Structural Funds of the European Commission, the Structural Reform Support Programme, the European Economic Area and any other funding source of except from the State budget, and (i) the signing of cooperation agreements with international organisations.
  5. Gives its consent: (a) for drawing up the Authority's Organizational Charter, as well as for its amendment, in the event of significant organisational changes, such as the creation, the merger, the conversion of hierarchical level of an organisational unit, the abolition and suspension of operation of services form all the levels of Directorates - General or Directorates, or Departments of the Central Office and the Authority’s Regional Services, b) regarding the definition of the professional branches in which the Heads of the aforementioned organisational units must belong, c) for the Authority’s Rules of Procedures and the various Regulations of the Authority.
  6. When the Management Board is requested to give its consent, it shall be presumed that it is given after the expiry of an exclusive period of thirty (30) days from the date of the request’s submission.
  7. The Management Board is not authorized to request and have access to files and information regarding specific cases of fraud and corruption or to intervene in any way in the investigation of these cases.
  8. More specified issues related to the meetings of the Management Board, the operational and decision-making framework are described in the Authority's Rules of Procedure.

The Management Board’s responsibilities are further specified in article 9 of the Regulation on the Operation of the Management Board of the National Transparency Authority (Government Gazette 2210 / B'/06.06.2020).

By Act no 47 of the Council of Ministers of 30.09.2024 (Official Government Gazette 1142/t. Y.O.D.D./14.10.2024), the Chairman and members of the Management Board were appointed for a five-year term, in accordance with the approval of the Parliamentary Committee on Institutions and Transparency of 18.09.2024, as follows:

In the position of Chairman, Paraskevas Nomikos, Consultant-Inspector A.S.E.P., in all three (3) member positions:

a) Stylianos Galoukas, Special Scientist of the Hellenic Parliament,

b) Nikolaos Douladiris, Specialist Scientist at the Greek Ombudsman, and

c) Zoe Karamitrou, Special Scientist at the Greek Ombudsman


Contact details of the NTA’s Management Board Office:

 Postal Address: 207 Piraeus str. & 92 Alkifronos str., P.C. 118 53, Athens, Greece

Tel. Chairman’s Secretariat: 213 1310 472

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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