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The 3rd webinar of the series of 16 thematic webinars under the title "The contribution of the audit work of the National Transparency Authority (NTA) to society" on Education, Research - Technology, Culture and Sports Unit was successfully held (18.05.2023).

More than 280 public and private sector executives had the opportunity to attend the webinar, during which the multi-level work of this Unit was presented, how it is put into practice through the operation of the Inspections and Audits Unit and how it contributes to the prevention and detection of corruption and maladministration.

At the same time, the audit tools used by the Unit, the standardised procedures and the methods it applies for the objective and effective performance of its audit work were analysed. In addition, typical cases and conclusions from audits carried out were presented, with the aim of better informing both the human resources of the public sector and society at large.

You can watch the full webinar at the link below: