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The 6th webinar of the series of 16 thematic webinars under the title "The contribution of the audit work of the National Transparency Authority (NTA) to society" on "Economy and Development Unit was successfully held (21.06.2023).

More than 300 public sector executives had the opportunity to attend the webinar, during which was presented the multi-layered work of this Unit on the areas of its competence in the fields of economy and development, rural development and tourism, public enterprises and the audit of the assets of public officials, employees and bodies of the entities falling within the Authority's audit competence. In particular, the competences of the Unit, the trigger for its audit actions, its audit procedures, the main thematic axes of its work, the reports and findings of broader interest from the audits it has carried out, as well as the recommendations it has addressed to audited entities for their compliance with the legislative, regulatory or corporate framework governing them, the improvement of their operation and administrative procedures and the upgrading of the services provided were presented. The work carried out by the Unit to detect and suppress unjust enrichment of public officials and employees, as well as to identify and prevent public officials and employees from engaging in activities that are incompatible or incompatible with the public position they hold or the specific public functions they perform, was also presented.

You can watch the full webinar at the link below: