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The 7th webinar of the series of 16 thematic webinars entitled "The contribution of the audit work of the National Transparency Authority (NTA) to society" took place on Friday 23 June 2023, on the promotion of the work of the Built Environment & Spatial Planning Unit.

More than 200 public sector executives had the opportunity to attend the webinar. During the course of the webinar, a fruitful and constructive dialogue was initiated, useful views were exchanged and we were all informed about the problems and challenges that public administration authorities face and are called upon to solve in relation to the thorny issue of the built environment and spatial planning.

Each institution represented at the workshop presented its work and achievements in relation to the webinar's subject matter. From the side of the Secretary General of Commerce, the actions for the amendment of the legislation in relation to the licensing and certification of specific activities were mentioned, from the side of the Technical Chamber of Greece, the presentation of digital services to the technical world and the Greek economy (electronic building identity, e-adeies, system of declaration of unauthorized constructions, single digital map, national register of infrastructure, programme for the preparation of Local and Special Urban Plans, digitization of urban planning information files, etc. ) and, from the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization's point of view, the work of the Authority, its contribution to the response to risks from natural phenomena and to the pre-seismic control of buildings of public interest.

You can watch the full webinar at the link below: