ΝΤΑ - OECD Training Programme on Risk Management in Public Procurement
The five-day training programme (25.11.2024 to 29.11.2024) on: "Risk Management in Public Procurement" organized by the National Transparency Authority (NTA) in cooperation with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The initiative is part of a technical assistance project (TSI) to enhance transparency and integrity in public procurement through an integrated risk management system, which is implemented by the ΝΤΑ in cooperation with the Single Public Procurement Authority and the General Secretariat for Trade of the Ministry of Development with funding from the EU's Directorate General for Structural Reforms (DG REFORM).
The first training session (25-27 November 2024) was on the topic of risk management policy and framework presenting the practical tools developed in the project (Risk Register, Guidelines for Market and Requirements Analysis, Guidelines for Integrity Breaches).
The second training session (28-29 November) focused on the draft Code of Conduct for staff working in procurement units through presentations and interactive exercises.
These trainings were attended by a total of more than 50 staff from public bodies, who had the opportunity to share their experience and concerns in order to maximise the added value of the deliverables.