As part of a systemic audit, a team of inspectors of the National Transparency Authority conducted an audit to examine the legality of the approval of applications for the granting of the Minimum Guaranteed Income (MGΙ), formerly known as the Social Solidarity Income (SSI), during the period 01.01.2018 - 30.04.2023 at a Community Centre of the Municipality of Attica.

It is noted that the Minimum Guaranteed Income (MGI) Programme was implemented on a national level in order to support individuals and households living in extreme poverty, in compliance with the constitutionally enshrined values of human protection and human dignity, the rule of law and the right to participate in the social and economic life of the country.

During the audited period (01.01.2018 - 30.04.2023), it was found, inter alia, that:

After evaluating six hundred and fifteen (615) applications, which were approved by users of the Community Centre and the Roma Department/Branch of the Municipality, it was found that the supporting documents submitted for one hundred and sixty-nine (169) approved applications did not justify this approval (of a total amount of 266. 287,76 €) and ultimately the granting of the Minimum Guaranteed Income to the beneficiaries. Either due to failure to submit the correct required supporting documents, or due to failure to keep a file, or due to citizens residing in a different Municipality, in violation of the applicable Ministerial Decisions and the Internal Regulation of the Community Centre of the Municipality.


  • The rotation of six (6) different social workers from 2017 to 2020, during the audited period, of 25 operators (only eight are currently active) who are occupied in the Minimum Guaranteed Income Platform, did not contribute to the creation of a solid "administrative memory" and professional identification with the Community Center of the Municipality.
  • Three (3) permanent employees of the Municipality were simultaneously employed as operators in the Solidarity Income Programme, without the respective decisions authorizing them to exercise this responsibility.
  • The fact that the employee-operator is responsible for receiving applications, accepting supporting documents and approving and granting applications without the existence of a second and third line of control does not provide the conditions for ensuring compliance with the law.
  • There are no safety nets in the electronic 'platform' of the Minimum Guaranteed Income Programme as regards the recognition and rejection of applications for the approval of the MGI by users of a Community Centre of a municipality when the beneficiaries of the application are citizens of other municipalities.
  • The databases and platforms of other electronic systems (e.g. Independent Public Revenue Authority (AADE), Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network Operator S.A (DEDDIE), Ministry of Education, Municipal Register, Greek Public Employment Service (DYPA) etc.) display contradictory information about the applicants (e.g. different residential addresses).
  • There is no automatic cross-checking of beneficiary data from the MGI online platform at least with other benefits granted by the Organisation of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity (OPEKA) (Disability, Children, Housing, etc.).

The Authority's audit report was forwarded:

  • to the Organisation of Welfare Benefits and Social Solidarity (OPEKA) in order to proceed with the recovery of undue payments amounting to 266.287,76 €, in accordance with the provisions of the institutional framework of the terms and conditions for the implementation of the Minimum Guaranteed Income programme, to ensure that regular or exceptional on-the-spot checks are further accelerated to ensure the legality of the receipt of the Agency's benefits.
  • to Social Security e-Government (EDIKA) in order to examine the possibility of immediately activating an electronic safety net on the "platform" of the EEP programme to prevent the approval by Community Centre users of a municipality of relevant applications to residents of other municipalities.
  • to the audited Municipality in order to examine any termination of fixed-term employment contracts of employees still serving in the Community Centre and the Roma Annex of the Municipality.
  • to the Athens Appeals Prosecutor's Office of the Athens District Court.

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