Since January 2023, the National Transparency Authority, in accordance with Law 4808/2021 and the relevant ministerial decisions (issued in 2023), has been designated as the competent body for complaints regarding incidents of mobbing in public sector workplaces, provided that the employee has filed a complaint with his/her employing body or its supervisory body or the Ombudsman and three months have elapsed without these bodies having dealt with the matter.
The National Transparency Authority shall investigate any disciplinary responsibility of the employing or supervising body for the delay in examining the complaint.
It should be noted that, prior to Law 4808/2021, national legislation only provided for provisions on the violation of the principle of gender equality and equal treatment in employment and labour. Law 2021 incorporates Directive (EU) 2019/1158 into Greek law and:
- Sets a coherent and modern legislative framework
- Develops a comprehensive strategy for the prevention, treatment and combating of violence and harassment
- contributes to the creation of a working environment that respects and promotes the right of every person to a world of work free of violence and harassment
- fosters a culture of zero tolerance of such behaviour
- highlights the important role of protecting victims, complainants or witnesses from further victimisation or possible reprisals
- ensures that victims have access to more effective and safer reporting mechanisms
A complaint can be submitted to the National Transparency Authority in the following ways:
- Electronically, by completing the complaint form through the platform and attaching the supporting documents
- By post, by sending it to the postal address of the main building of the National Transparency Authority (195 Lenormann & Amfiarou / P.O. Box 104 42 / Athens).
- In person (or through a duly authorised representative) at the premises of the National Transparency Authority
The 4th Integrity Forum to be organized on 10/12/2024 at 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. by the National Transparency Authority, on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day , will have as its main theme "Mobbing. The event will analyse all the issues related to mobbing and how to deal with it, both in the public and private sectors, while statistics from the complaints received by the ΝΤΑ to date and the way they have been handled will be presented.
In the link below you can find the ΝΤΑ's brochure with detailed information.