The Summer Academy, organised by the National Transparency Authority (NTA) in collaboration with the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) and the Hong Kong International Academy Against Corruption (HKIAAC), was successfully completed between 27 June 2024 and 9 July 2024 at the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government.

The Summer Academy programme was attended (live and through web) by a total of more than 150 NTA executives and other audit institutions, participating in the National Coordinating Body for Audit and Accountability (ESOEL). It is important to note that the ESOEL represents a model collective body, with the objective of coordinating and strengthening cooperation between its 17 member bodies, which are active in the field of audit and anti-corruption.

The training programmes provided an opportunity for participants to gain insight into the contemporary methodological tools and digital applications employed by ICAC. The key note speakers, who possess extensive experience in the domain of anti-corruption prevention and deterrence, elucidated the methodologies and tools utilized in practice, emphasizing their application through the examination of authentic case studies pertaining to the following subject matters:

  1. Strategies to prevent corruption in public administration
  2. Conflict of interest management
  3. Corruption prevention tools in the management of funded schemes
  4. Integrity Networks in Law Enforcement agencies
  5. Information gathering techniques
  6. Forensic Examination of Digital Devices
  7. Fund Tracing Methodologies
  8. Asset Recovery

The training programme was designed and implemented in the context of the NTA's cooperation with recognised partners. Its objective was twofold: firstly, to enhance the operational capacity of the Authority's staff and, secondly, to promote synergies with other organisations involved in anti-corruption initiatives. This was to be achieved through the exchange of experiences and best practices.

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