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For the first time the NTA participates this year with its own stand (Hall 15 - Stand 39) at the TIF. The aim of its presence at the 85th TIF is to inform the public about its multi-level work and mission, which focuses on the prevention, detection and suppression of corruption.

Specifically, through a series of events (workshops, information meetings, etc.) and in cooperation with other public and private sector bodies, the NTA will inform visitors on issues of transparency, control, accountability and integrity. The new legislative framework governing the Internal Audit Units in the public sector, their catalytic role in good governance in view of the activation of RRF, with emphasis on the 13 Regions (the event is held in cooperation with the Association of Greek Regions), as well as Business Integrity as a factor in the country’s development, will be the focus of the above actions.

At the same time, two important publications ("Code of Ethics & Conduct" and "Interview Techniques for Citizenship"), which have been produced by the NTA in cooperation with the General Secretariat of Citizenship, will be presented at a Press Conference together with the Ministry of Interior - General Secretariat of Citizenship. The NTA will also participate in an event organized by the Ministry of Digital Governance on the topic: "Technology and Transparency", focusing on digital transformation and the role of new technologies in preventing and fighting corruption.

It is worth noting that during the TIF, the NTA will implement an important Public Opinion Survey entitled "Your Opinion Counts" on the attitudes and perception of citizens towards corruption in our country. The results of the Survey will be presented as part of the awareness-raising and information activities planned by NTA on the occasion of the International Anti-Corruption Day (December 2021).

Finally, visitors to the NTA’s stand will have the opportunity to be informed about the educational activities (e.g. the student competition "Integrity Leaders of Tomorrow", the "ZORBS" animated series etc.) that the Authority is already implementing, as well as new initiatives planned during the new school year, aiming at raising awareness among the student community.

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