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In the framework of meetings between representatives of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Greek authorities, a technical meeting between OLAF's Directorate A - Expenditure, Operations and Investigations and the NTA, as the Greek Anti-Fraud Coordination Office (AFCOS), took place on 09 November 2023.

The meeting was attended by the Head of the Directorate General for Integrity & Accountability, the Head and staff of the AFCOS Department and the Head of the AFCOS Controls Subsection of the Inspections and Controls Unit.

Also present was a representative of the European Public Prosecutors in Greece and representatives of the General Directorate of the Financial Crime Unit.

In the context of this important meeting, OLAF representatives welcomed the NTA’s coordinating role as AFCOS and the close cooperation with all participating authorities. In addition, both sides exchanged information and views on issues related to OLAF's competencies, in particular in the operational area, and underlined the will to strengthen the role of all in the fight against fraud and the protection of EU funds.