Λογότυπο Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας

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Research Tool (polls.aead.gr)

What data do we process?

The Research Tool https://polls.aead.gr is an online application which is being used for the creation and management of a questionnaire for the purpose of information collection with regard to the 1st Guide included in the NCPA annual workplan.

For survey participants, we process your email address (corporate, not personal) and the name of the Authority-Agency of the NCPA Network (or of any other Agency appointed by the NCPA members).

Purpose and legal basis for processing

The purpose of collecting and processing the data, i.e. the email address and the name of the Authority-Agency of the NCPA Network (or of any other Agency appointed by the NCPA members), is to collect the necessary information about each Authority-Agency in order to create the 1st Guide included in the NCPA annual workplan, and/or for communication reasons in case of further clarification needed during the drafting and release of the above mentioned Guide.

The legal basis for processing your data for this purpose, is Article 6 par. 1 a) of the GDPR, which allows us to process your personal data with your consent for the purpose of drafting and release the 1st Guide included in the NCPA annual workplan.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We keep your data for the purpose of drafting and release of the NCPA Guide on Designing, Implementing, Monitoring Strategic Anticorruption Plans and will be kept for as long as the Hellenic NTA Chairmanship lasts, unless important informative reasons oblige the maintenance of data collected for longer.

To which recipients is your data shared?

Access to your data may be available to the relevant to the Guide Working Group members.

What are your rights?

We process your data with your consent for the purpose of accessing the online tool https://polls.aead.gr to facilitate the collection of information by participants in the context of understanding and gaining knowledge on the topic of the Guide.

You have the right to access your data at any time, to correct it if it is inaccurate or incomplete, to delete the data or to restrict processing under certain conditions, and to lodge a complaint.

Μενού πλοήγησης ιστότοπου

Η αγγλική εκδοχή του παρόντος ιστότοπου έχει μεταφραστεί με τη χρήση του μεταφραστικού λογισμικού «DeepL», ενός εργαλείου αυτόματης μετάφρασης. Όλα τα μεταφρασμένα κείμενα έχουν, μετέπειτα, υποστεί επεξεργασία από τους διαχειριστές του ιστότοπου, προκειμένου να βελτιωθεί η απόδοσή τους.

Η αγγλική έκδοση του ιστότοπου αποτελείται από κείμενα, εγχειρίδια και άλλα έγγραφα. Μέρος του περιεχομένου (π.χ. εικόνες, βίντεο, αρχεία κ.λπ.) ενδέχεται να μην έχει μεταφραστεί με ακρίβεια λόγω των τεχνικών περιορισμών του μεταφραστικού λογισμικού.

Τυχόν ασυμφωνίες ή διαφορές που δημιουργούνται στη μετάφραση δεν είναι δεσμευτικές και δεν έχουν νομική ισχύ για σκοπούς συμμόρφωσης ή επιβολής.