“The contribution of EEA- Grants to the effective implementation of the National Integrity System” - Webinar Material
1o Διαδικτυακό Σεμινάριο NCPA με θέμα: Trends and Challenges in Regulating Lobbying Activities
1o Διαδικτυακό Σεμινάριο με θέμα «Trends and Challenges in Regulating Lobbying Activities» υπό την Προεδρία της Εθνικής Αρχής Διαφάνειας
1st NCPA Webinar on: Trends and Challenges in Regulating Lobbying Activities
1st Webinar of the NCPA Workplan for 2022 on Lobbying
1st webinar on "Trends and Challenges in Regulating Lobbying Activities" under the Presidency of the National Transparency Authority (NTA)
2nd NCPA Webinar on: Designing and Implementing Effective Whistleblowers Protection Systems
2nd Webinar of the NCPA Workplan for 2022 on Whistleblowing
2o Διαδικτυακό Σεμινάριο NCPA με θέμα: Designing and Implementing Effective Whistleblowers Protection Systems
3o Διαδικτυακό Σεμινάριο NCPA με θέμα: «Καταπολέμηση της Διαφθοράς στον Αθλητισμό»
3rd NCPA Webinar on: "Fighting Corruption in Sports"
Conference of the National Transparency Authority in cooperation with the General Secretariat of Sport on the occasion of the launch of the National Platform for Sports Integrity (E.P.ATHL.A.)
National Transparency Authority (NTA): International Webinar on "Fighting Corruption in Sport"
National Transparency Authority's webinar on the topic: “Fighting Corruption as a Pillar of Corporate Social Responsibility”
National Transparency Authority's webinar on topic “Integrity in the Private Sector - Anti-Bribery Compliance Programs: From Adoption, to Implementation and Monitoring” - Webinar Material
National Transparency Authority’s (NTA) Webinar on: "The Future of Youth in Europe - Transparency and the Rule of Law"
National Transparency Authority’s (NTA) Webinar: Beneficial Owners and Enhancing Corporate Transparency
National Transparency Authority’s (NTA) Webinar: Mapping the role of audit institutions in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 16
NTA webinar on: "Integrity in the Private Sector – Anti-Bribery Compliance Programmes: From Adoption, to Implementation and Monitoring"
NTA: International Webinar on the effective protection of complainants of breaches of EU law
NTA’s webinar on the topic: “Fighting Corruption as a Pillar of Corporate Social Responsibility”
Online discussion on: "The implementation of anti-pandemic measures in the country's tourist accommodation. The experience of 2020 and the challenges of 2021"
Online discussion organized the NTA and the General Secretariat of Sports on the topic: “Implementation of the Health Protocols for the response to Covid-19 pandemic Covid-19”
Online Workshop Risk Management in the Public & Private Sector - A Holistic Approach - Workshop Material
Participant’s presentations at the Webinar organised by the National Transparency Authority (NTA) on: "Influence Activities: The Greek Institutional Framework"
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 10th Webinar on Rethymnon Regional Directorate - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 11th Webinar on Regional and Local Authorities (A and B level), Decentralised Administration and Migration- Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 12th Webinar on Thessaloniki Regional Directorate - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 13th Webinar on Serres Regional Directorate - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 14th Webinar on Tripoli Regional Directorate - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 15th Webinar on Patras Regional Directorate - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 16th Webinar on Larissa Regional Directorate - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 1st Webinar on Social Security, Social Solidarity and Labour Relations Sector - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 2nd Webinar on Environment, Energy and Communications Unit - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 3rd Webinar on Education, Research - Technology, Culture and Sport - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 4th Webinar on Complaint Management & Project Monitoring of the Inspection and Audits Unit - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 5th Webinar on Disciplinary Procedures Control Unit - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 6th Webinar on Economy and Development Unit - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 7th Webinar on Built Environment and Spatial Planning Unit - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 8th Webinar on: Public Works & Transport Sector - Webinar Material
The contribution of the audit work of the NTA to society - 9th Webinar on Health & Welfare Unit - Webinar Material
The National Transparency Authority’s webinar in cooperation with the General Secretariat of Sport on: “The "Chilon" Evaluation System and the audit process in sports Federations. Data, challenges, perspectives”
Thematic webinars entitled “The contribution of the NTA's audit work to society”
Webinar "The OECD Convention on Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions" - Webinar Material
Webinar «Η Σύμβαση του ΟΟΣΑ για τη Δωροδοκία Αλλοδαπών Δημοσίων Λειτουργών στις Διεθνείς Επιχειρηματικές Συναλλαγές» - Υλικό webinar
WEBINAR (25/6/2021 και ώρα: 12:00) “Το Σύστημα Αξιολόγησης «Χίλων» και η διαδικασία ελέγχου στις αθλητικές ομοσπονδίες. Δεδομένα, προκλήσεις, προοπτικές”
Webinar (Τετάρτη 30/11/22 και ώρα 15:00) «Η Σύμβαση του ΟΟΣΑ για τη Δωροδοκία Αλλοδαπών Δημοσίων Λειτουργών στις Διεθνείς Επιχειρηματικές Συναλλαγές»
Webinar Material The OECD Convention on Foreign Bribery in International Business Transactions (Foreign Bribery) - The 4th phase of the evaluation of Greece
Webinar of the National Transparency Authority in cooperation with the General Secretariat of Sport on : “The "Chilon" Evaluation System and the control process in sports federations: Data, challenges, perspectives”
Webinar of the National Transparency Authority on the Corruption and Fraud Risk Management function
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